
YEScarolina Entrepreneurship Program

In the fall of 2021, ECM merged with YEScarolina to create a K-12 pipeline of innovative programming. YEScarolina has helped thousands of students in grades 9-12 from communities statewide build business skills and fuel their entrepreneurial spirit. To date, YEScarolina has trained and certified over 1,500 South Carolina teachers on the subject of entrepreneurship. These educators, in turn, have inspired tens of thousands of young South Carolinians with a thirst for entrepreneurship.

Business Plan Competition

YEScarolina hosts in-school business plan competitions and a state business plan competition. Students have the opportunity to participate in a series of business plan competitions as the capstone project of their entrepreneurship class. Students build their business plans over the course of their class. Once completed, they present their ideas to local businessmen and women serving as judges. The top students are eligible to win seed money ranging from $100 to $3,000 throughout the course of the competitions to help fund the creation of their businesses.


In partnership with Trident Technical College, YEScarolina provides scholarships for the pursuit of post-secondary education.

  • For all of these scholarships, we give priority to graduating high school seniors and YEScarolina Entrepreneurship Class graduates recommended or referred by your organization.
  • Each scholarship fund provides ONE $1,000 to $1,500 award per school year.
  • Scholarship recipients receive half their awards in fall semester and half in spring if they continue to meet eligibility requirements.
  • Generally, these awards are “above and beyond” the federal and state funding students receive to cover their tuition costs. These awards may be used for non-tuition expenses related to their program of study or at their discretion.

Still have questions? Email Eva for more details.

  • Must be a resident of South Carolina
  • Must be enrolled in the Automotive Technology Program
  • Must enroll and maintain 6 credit hours
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • Must demonstrate a financial need (determined from completed FAFSA form)
  • Must be a resident of South Carolina
  • Must enroll in a program of study
  • Must enroll in and maintain at least 6 credit hours
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • Must demonstrate financial need (determined from completed FAFSA form)
  • Must be enrolled in an associate degree program
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • Must demonstrate financial need (determined from completed FAFSA form)
  • Must be a resident of South Carolina
  • Must enroll in a Culinary Institute of Charleston program (TTC’s Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts division)
  • Must enroll in and maintain at least 6 credit hours
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater
  • Must demonstrate financial need (determined from completed FAFSA form)

Get YES Certified

YEScarolina certifies South Carolina private and public school educators of grades 6-12 to teach Entrepreneurship. This curriculum, created by teachers for teachers, is a course that supports students who are at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey and prepares them to compete in YEScarolina’s annual State Business Plan Competition. The experiential curriculum includes hands-on activities and lesson plans that motivate and engage the learner. It is a curriculum designed to strategically give the learner the necessary building blocks to successfully complete a step-by-step business plan for in-class and state business plan competition.

2023 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to David Frailix of Wando High School for winning the 2023 YEScarolina State Entrepreneurship Teacher of the Year Award! He received a $1,000 check and a plaque for this prestigious recognition.  We celebrate your success and CONGRATULATIONS! 

Council of Educators

This esteemed group of entrepreneurship teachers provides educators a direct voice to the ECM Board of Directors and other advocacy groups across the state of South Carolina. One member from each Congressional District was selected based on past experience as a champion of the YEScarolina cause and impact they have had in the classroom. The appointed council makes recommendations regarding entrepreneurship teacher recruitment and retention, curriculum recommendations, curriculum review and curriculum approval. Council members also conduct advocacy in their region, are trained to facilitate teacher training, and provide mentorship to new entrepreneurship teachers.

David Fralix

District 1 - Charleston, SC

Norma Brown

District 2 - Columbia, SC

Joseph Long

District 3 - Anderson, SC

Kelly Kiser

District 4 - Spartanburg, SC

Linda Avery

District 5 - Sumter, SC

Monica Brisbon

District 7 - Myrtle Beach, SC