Media Arts
Click below to explore our instructors and the classes offered.

Backpack Journalist
Linda Dennis

Backpack Journalist
Linda Dennis
Photojournalism is our foundation as found in writing, photography and filmmaking -ie Storytelling.
*New addition. Pantomime, following the Comic Genius of Charlie Chaplin, Making the World Smile Again!
*Storytelling to video/film: Topic to align to classroom standards, utilizing technology to assemble the story, with our Storyboard and editing together images, drawings to create a film.
*Making the World Smile Again: Studying the cinema arts of Charlie Chaplin, and his use of Pantomime, and satire, students in the classroom tell them stories with "magical silence" and movement, and then into a short film, and edited to black and white.

Caroline Hoadley
Dance & Media Artist

Caroline Hoadley
Dance & Media Artist
Currently on the SCAC Artist Directory as a Teaching Artist, SC Certified Teacher of Dance, Dance Educators of America certification in teaching all levels, Kennedy Center trained Teaching Artist, BA in Media Arts, Residency Artist for over 30 years. Author of books on Dance.
-Dance Fine Art: dance for fitness and focus, and classroom management
-Dance Integration: grade level subject area and standards integrated with creative movement dance or, in the case of social studies, actual cultural dances.
-Filmmaking: craft and concepts for the 21st century videographer

Paige Hetherington

Paige Hetherington
Paige Hetherington L.Ac graduated from The Iron Yard with a focus in Java Engineering. An inspiration to dissolve stereotypes around computer programming led her to create coding courses that encourage children to explore tech. Learning is a discovery of coding and software applications coupled with creativity.
Students use Google Sites to create their own customized webpage or website with multiple pages. Google Sites is a free, user-friendly drag and drop program that allows for adding text, headings, images, videos, menus, buttons, maps, and forms along with styling options. Students get to design the layout, infuse the website with their specific curriculum information, and personalize it with creative style. Once completed, the website can be published to live eternally online. Proficiency in using Google Sites empowers students with the ability to create more web pages for future school projects or their own ventures.