

Engagement Opportunities

The mission of Engaging Creative Minds is to spark creativity and curiosity in all learners through innovative and experiential learning.


Engaging Creative Minds is involved in the education and cultural arts communities in many ways. ECM is proud to have strong community support from our tri-county region. From our energetic and passionate volunteers to our generous public and private donors, we appreciate the support and time given by all!


Scroll down to learn more and to apply.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead


Get engaged!

Are you civic minded? Does your teen need service hours? Do you want to support an AMAZING non-profit? Then we invite you to become part of Engaging Creative Minds’ team of volunteers! We need all kinds of assistance so chances are you’ll find the right match for your interests and strengths. We can’t wait to hear from you! If you have questions, contact [email protected].

Here’s how Engaging Creative Minds’ volunteer program works…

  1. Complete the volunteer application located at the bottom of this page.
  2. Once your background check has cleared, ECM will contact you to match your interests with our needs.
  3. There are age restrictions on some volunteer opportunities.
  4. You can opt out of our volunteer program at any time by notifying us in writing or email.
  5. You must schedule your volunteer hours ahead of time. We cannot accept unscheduled walk-ins.

Volunteer Areas

YEScarolina Business Plan Competition

YEScarolina's 2025 Business Plan Competition is back on Friday, May 2, and we're calling all volunteers who are passionate about helping high school students with an entrepreneurial spirit thrive! 

Become a judge!

Share your business expertise with participants to guide them on their entrepreneurial journeys. Registration is open now. 

Become a volunteer!

In addition to judges, we also need extra hands on deck to serve as room monitors and timers for this exciting day. Registration is open now. 

Community Outreach Events

Our Community Engagement ARTvocates promote ECM at a variety of community events around the Lowcountry.  Volunteer roles include, but are not limited to: setup/breakdown of booth, interacting with visitors, assisting ECM art partners and promoting ECM!

ECM provides training so that you are:          

  • Knowledgeable and well versed about ECM; mission, board, donors
  • Comfortable talking with groups/visitors
  • Excited and engaged with ECM

Time commitment:  Event times/dates vary.  Most are 3+ hours.

Here are a handful of Community events in which ECM participates:

Summer STEAM Institute

(This opportunity will be back in Summer 2025!)

Calling all High School Students!

Join ECM every summer for an exciting weeklong adventure with kids in grades K-8.  Bring your energy and enthusiasm!  Each volunteer will be assigned to a small group of 5-8 students and will assist one counselor.  You will participate in science experiments, art projects, performances and MORE!  Don’t miss out.  It is a great opportunity to complete your service hours in one week.

Qualifications: High School student, love of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math), and a WOOHOO attitude.

Time commitment: 40 hours, one-week commitment, and 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday.

Art Club (Mascot)

Do you love to entertain? Perhaps you are involved in drama or theatre programs. We are always looking for people to embody our mascot, Art Powers, at our events! Show off your non-verbal, exciting personality - engage with kids, hype up the party, and enjoy a super fun day! The best part - this position includes a stipend! 

You'll need to wear your own black leggings, long sleeve shirt, and white shoes underneath Art's suit.

Height requirements of Art's costume: Must be between 5'4" and 5'8"

Charleston Half Marathon

The Charleston Half Marathon® is an Engaging Creative Minds premier event! We cannot produce an event of this magnitude without the commitment of hundreds of volunteers!!!  For all of our volunteer opportunities click HERE.  It is a great way to support local arts programming, fulfill your service hours and just have FUN!

Apply to be a Volunteer

If you're interested in any of our volunteer opportunities, please fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you soon!