Get engaged!
Are you civic minded? Does your teen need service hours? Do you want to support an AMAZING non-profit? Then we invite you to become part of Engaging Creative Minds’ team of volunteers! We need all kinds of assistance so chances are you’ll find the right match for your interests and strengths. We can’t wait to hear from you! If you have questions, contact operations@engagingcreativeminds.org.
Here’s how Engaging Creative Minds’ volunteer program works…
- Complete the volunteer application located at the bottom of this page.
- Once your background check has cleared, ECM will contact you to match your interests with our needs.
- There are age restrictions on some volunteer opportunities.
- You can opt out of our volunteer program at any time by notifying us in writing or email.
- You must schedule your volunteer hours ahead of time. We cannot accept unscheduled walk-ins.