Corpus Callosum


ELE Experience:​ Looking for Whole Brain Learning? Corpus Callosum gives you left brain and right brain in one experience, ​allowing students to be creative and to think logically!! This experience will take a content area (teacher’s choice) and wrap hands on activities around it. Some recent examples include: using measurement skills to create unpoppable bubble solutions, creating fun toys using electricity and magnetism, and using force and motion knowledge to create rockets out of household materials. They infuse various arts into the process of building their business ­ from using visual arts to design the company logo to using dance, drama, and music to create marketing materials. ELA standards are incorporated throughout the ELE experience from communicating ideas to creating marketing materials. (Visit link for additional information)

  • Increase student understanding between academic skills and real­world application
  • Students work together to complete successful projects while using principles of entrepreneurship

Program Description: Corpus Callosum is an educational non­profit organization that uses entrepreneurship to engage students in their learning. We take what students are learning in school and create relevant, real world applications of that knowledge and skill ­ tapping into the expertise within local businesses to help students create successful companies. Through this process, students see how the skills and knowledge they are learning in school apply to their success in life. We use whole­brain learning activities, integrating all subject areas and the arts. These programs will help students make deep connections between what they are learning in school and what is important in their lives and in their communities. We are devoted to becoming the premier integrated arts and sciences educational organization in the nation, helping people realize their potential for greatness.

Click here for sample lessons!