Students use logic and creativity to build a web page displaying knowledge and understanding of curriculum standards.
DigiCat Coding: Expose students to the relevance of software applications; build confidence in exploring the world of computer programming; integrate web development with an understanding of core curriculum; combine logical processes with creativity

Raw code is written in HTML and CSS languages to demonstrate synthesized information from a core subject. The integration of software design with a relevant topic solidifies learning and builds confidence in the application of computer programming. Coding is a life skill that is becoming increasingly relevant in our world. DigiCat Code School inspires students to use software products to build anything and everything. From creating art to solving social problems, familiarity with programming languages is a vital and valuable means of expression.
Create an Interactive Narrative (grades 3-5): Using the Alice programming environment, students are exposed to the concepts of objects (like nouns) and methods (like verbs) and learn how to navigate the program to create their own story or game. The project involves setting up a scene in Alice with a background, characters, costumes, and positions. Lines of code are added for each object to create a story. Students must use logic to generate the code so that the program responds to audience interaction. This can be applied to any aspect of curriculum standards to create an original demonstration of understanding.
Create with Scratch (grades K-2): Using the Scratch programming language, students design their own games, stories and animations. The projects encourage creative thinking and systematic reasoning. As opposed to writing code, coding is simplified using a block-like interface which has snippets of pre-written code. While learning the foundations of coding and getting more comfortable with computers, students utilize their imaginations while practicing common sense.
Paige Hetherington, L.Ac. completed undergraduate studies at Cornell University and graduated from The Iron Yard with a focus in Java Engineering. She has taught classes for Yo Art, a community organization which provides opportunities for children in under-served areas. An inspiration to dissolve the stereotypes around computer programming led her to create a code school that encourages children to explore tech. Learning is made fun by gradual exposure to syntax coupled with opportunities for creativity. Her teaching style allows students to discover the myriad of software applications accessible through code.
Sample Lessons:
Program Title: DigiCat Coding Alice – Description: Coding class which demonstrates the use of computer languages used to create an interactive narrative using the Alice programming environment. Students are exposed to the concepts of object and methods and learn how to navigate the program to create their own story or game.
Anticipated Student Outcomes: Students will set up a scene in Alice with a background, characters, costumes, and positions. They will arrange lines of code for each object to create a story. They will build the code so that the program responds to audience interaction.
Program Title: DigiCat Coding Writing Raw Code – Description: Coding class which introduces students to writing raw code in HTML and CSS languages. Student write code in an editor which produces visible output of their programming. Students discover the basics of web design and are able to create a web page using front end design techniques. Web pages will display headings, text, images, links and animation.
Anticipated Student Outcomes: Students will be able to set up a personal account with the Codepen editor. They will differentiate between the two computer languages and the functions of each. They will build a structure for a website using HTML and then add styling with CSS. Students will also discover how to inspect the code used to create any website they find on the internet.