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Marielena Martinez

Looking to integrate the arts into your curriculum?  Want to make your standards come alive in your classroom? Wish to have your students be totally engaged and wanting more? Contact your school’s ECM coach, and ask for Marielena.  Let’s meet and create a customized, standard-based arts-infused experience your students, won’t stop talking about!

Engaging Creative Minds, arts integration, ECM

Examples of Past Experiences:

Systisms: 7th-grade science standard systems of the body as seen through art historical lens.

Electronic Beatdown; 3rd-grade circuits standard explained through a performing arts show.

Haiku scrolls: 5th-grade poetry standard through watercolor scrolls.

Industrial Steampunk 5th-grade Social Studies industrial revolution Steampunk sculptural designs

Caves of Burnsaux: Communication with Natural Objects Pre-Historic art and 3-5th grade Social Studies communications standards.  Communication using natural objects and created an installation “cave piece”

Simmons-Pickney MS Milky Way 8th grade science standard: our place in the universe. Using origami painted handmade paper, students created their own “Milky Way” installation piece.

Russian Nesting Baskets 6th grade Math standards: Ratios and proportions, by weaving newspapers into properly proportioned nesting dolls.

Engaging Creative Minds, arts integration, ECM

More past experiences: Recycled Hopi Kachina dolls, Public vs private spaces and Gaudi’s mosaics, writing Illustrated manuscripts, Lets’ Baroque our shoes, Handmade paper Egyptian designs, stained glass radial rosettes, Kandinsky ’s mathematical concentric weavings,  Painting with paper to set the mood in books.