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Deena Frooman

Deena Frooman -Science through Circus Arts!!

Students have fun learning about the science of gravity, motion and forces, pendulums, patterns, inertia, friction, and resistance through hands-on activities. The curriculum is designed to teach science, language arts, and the visual arts through object manipulation. Using skills from the circus arts, students explore forms of science manipulation. Creative dance and movement, language arts skills, social skills, and reasoning for everyday living are incorporated into the lessons and curriculum


Sample Experiences 

“Gravity Activities: The Science of Throwing and Dropping Things


Gravity: Its Not Just a Word, Its the Law

Explore Newton’s Law of Motion! Students are engaged through juggling, plate spinning, hooping, pedal-powered spin art………All the while discovering:  “reactions to an action”; laws of gravity; forces of motion; inertia, etc. A learning experience for all grade levels, incorporating science with dance movement

  • Discover verbal associations
  • Create out of the box explorations derived from science
  • Using science vocabulary for writing poetry



Program Description:  Explore science through the circus arts!!! Art-Cycle Pedal-Powered Spin-Art Contraption teaches velocity, force of motion, Gravity, gears, colors, etc.



As a producer, performer, stagehand, and business owner, Deena Frooman is an accomplished juggler and surfer who sees the world with a balance of work infused with nature. Read more about Deena and her world-wide explorations and professional experiences on her website,


Good Clean Fun with Deena Frooman

Deena Frooman