Program Description:
Students explore creative solutions to current environmental issues through sustainable themed art projects that are both fun and functional.
Sample Experience 1: 3rd-8th Grade: After discussing current issues in our environment, students will talk about the terms Sustainability and Permaculture and how creativity can move us forward, towards a cleaner and healthier future. Students proceed to explore these two ideas and creative problem solving through a series of art projects revolving around recycling different materials they have collected from home such as cardboard, plastic, styrofoam, etc.
Sample Experience 2: 3rd-8th Grade: Following a presentation about waste and its effect on our oceans students are lead on a discussion about creative solutions and how exploring new ideas can help us to come up with new ways to care for and protect our environment. Students are then shown a demonstration of how to create beautiful artworks from items that often end up in our waters. The experience continues with the creation of many pieces for a collaborative 3-D mural to be displayed in a common school area for other grade levels to enjoy and learn from. This experience can be elevated by a grade-wide field trip to clean up a beach or nearby river bank, where collected items will become part of the overall art installation.
Bio: Mia Loia is an artist and illustrator living and working in Charleston South Carolina, with a studio at Redux Contemporary Art Center. Mia’s love for art began at a young age, in conjunction with her love for books and illustrators like Maurice Sendak, Tasha Tudor, and Hilary. Today she channels her passion for visual learning and creativity into her own art and art education programs, to help shed light on environmental issues and sustainable solutions!